Geek Feminism Wiki

Name and shame describes a tactic sometimes used against harassers, in cases of Sexual assault, etc. It is most often used when official channels are unlikely to be (or have already proven themselves not to be) sympathetic or responsive.

Naming and shaming means posting the name of a harasser so that the wider community is aware of their action, in the hopes that this will "shame" them. This may, in theory, result in repercussions on the person's employment, education, or social status. However, due to the widespread acceptance of misogynist behaviour, rape, etc in our broadly sexist culture (see: Rape culture), sometimes there is little apparent effect at all. Even worse, Victim blaming often turns the fault around and leads to greater harassment and abuse of the namer-and-shamer.

When people choose not to name and shame, they may be pressured to do so by people who aren't aware of the victim-blaming dynamic, or who are concern trolling and claim that they can't believe accusations of harassment without specific detail being given. Victims of harassment, sexual assault, etc, should never be pressured to take any particular course of action. It is important to acknowledge their Agency and let them make their own decisions.


See also