Geek Feminism Wiki

Geek groups wishing to address gender diversity may have problems finding women to employ, to speak at conferences, and so on. This page suggests general strategies for individuals or groups to make sure their geek network includes women.

  • Get your house clean: are there sexist incidents occuring in your geek community, whether documented here or not? Get on top of them prior to reaching out to women. See Apologies and So you made a mistake.
  • Consider a Diversity statement for your group. If your gender diversity is really bad, this may dig up issues and assumptions that you'd been unaware of simply because there were no visible women to trigger them. Then you can address them early.
  • Where there is a women-focussed geek event that is mixed gender, attend and do whatever networking you'd usually do at a geek event. See, for example Girl Geek Dinners.
  • Encourage and support women already in your group to speak at conferences, attend events and similar. When asked to recommend speakers or for prominent names, check whether you've gone through women you know for suitable names.
  • Know how to contact the local women-centered geek groups in your area. Advertise things like events and job openings there (where their policy allows, obviously).

For specific purposes